7-arras World Records

This is where records are set for 7-arras (7robo)

Note: For a record to be valid it must have 150k+ score and 1 kill for each 100K

Username Score Tank
IvyX 2,108,654 Hexa-Builder
7rodo 990,534 Lugger
7rodo 938,786 Quintuplet
7rodo 918,373 Three-Way
IvyX 887,127 List
IvyX 738,720 Incognito
7rodo 599,526 Slicer
IvyX 502,371 Rubber Gun
IvyX 450,957 Kingdom
IvyX 449,569 Tri-Builder
IvyX 427,144 Railgun
IvyX 400,287 Boosting Builder
7rodo 383,119 Spider
7rodo 376,686 Poisoneer
IvyX 347,437 Flinger
IvyX 337,758 Bullet
IvyX 322,927 Flanklet
Unknown user (KITTY) 320,000 rounded Smotherer
IvyX 312,742 Station
V1rus 287,804 Sub-Gunner
IvyX 241,102 Dasher
IvyX 227,519 Smackback
V1rus 214,395 Agressor
V1rus 196,603 A-3 Skywarrior
V1rus 194,510 Aerosol
IvyX 181,686 Rammer
V1rus 177,564 Frontier
IvyX 173,240 Triple Guard
V1rus 168,215 B-18 Bolo
IvyX 160,103 Transmitter
Submitted by Score Record
IvyX 403.37k Highest Bot Score
- - Highest Polygon/Crasher Score